Sensory muff is a knitted, crocheted or sewn muff with tassels, buttons, beads, ribbons, tassels, crocheted, woven or sewn pom poms, animal figures and/or flowers attached to both the outside and inside, crocheting soft coated bottle caps with something that rattles inside. When it comes to designing muffs, the only limit is your imagination.
Who can benefit from a sensory muff?
The target groups of the sensory muffs are e.g. people with memory disease, autistic and visually impaired people and people with adhd. Sensory muffs have also been used in storytime lessons to make it easier for children to focus on listening. You can give a muff or a sensory bracelet as an individual gift to anyone to warm their hands.
Sensory muff gives hands that are used to the activity something to do, calms down, helps to concentrate, gives joy and comfort and brings back memories and activates. The yarns, shapes and decorations of the bouncy cup activate the sense of touch and provide stimulation also through the sense of sight and hearing. There is also research evidence of the positive effects of the muffs.
You made a sensory muff for my mom. Thanks for that. She really twiddled on it. (Oili V. Loimaa)
The muff can be personalized by taking the interests of the recipient into account: what has been your loved one's favorite place or landscape where they felt to be at home? What is his pet, favorite color, favorite season? The starting point for the personalization of the muff can also be the colors, the hobbies of the recipient of the muff and other points of interest.
Pleasant things are related to emotional memories, things that evoke positive feelings. Emotional memories are also the most permanent memories and last for more than decades. Emotional memories can be used when making a personalized sensory muff for a memory sufferer, but also for other target goups of sensory muffs.
If you want to get a personalized muff, taking into account the recipient, send a message using the contact form below. In the message field, you can tell about your wishes related to the muff or, for example, what things the recipient of the muff likes. We can also think about things to consider in the muffs together when I contact you after receiving your message.
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