Are you looking for a unique gift? You can find it at Alisa Designs. In our online stores you can find information about Alisa Designs and handmade products sold in our online stores
All products are handmade using Alisa Designs' own designs. You can't get exactly similar items anywhere else! Partly recycled materials have been used in the production of the products.
If you are interested in a product that is not available in an international online store, please contact me. I can make a listing to the online store for you!
I also make products by order. If you have a wish, please contact me. Let's see what we come up with together!
Welcome to Alisa Designs product selection and the stories behind the products!
Dolls outfits
Sensory Muffs
Alisa Designs' doll clothes sales reached a milestone just before Christmas. Doll clothes have been sold in four continents (Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and Oceania) between 2020 and 2024. The number of target countries has already reached almost fifty, if the North American states are counted as their own countries.
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